2- ¿Por qué No Puedo Creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi? EL FUNDADOR

  1.  El Fundador ¿Por qué no puedo creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi?

    Porque cuando voy a Misa… Cuando oigo mencionar a los Santos, a los Santos Fundadores…

    Porque cuando voy a Misa a mi humilde iglesia franciscana aquí en América Central,
    Escucho la parte central de la misa, el “canon”.
    Cuando el Padre Franciscano, el de la homilía humilde y del sistema audio defectuoso, llega a la parte que dice:

Ten misericordia de todos nosotros, y así, con María, la Virgen Madre de Dios, su esposo san José, los apóstoles y los mártires, Nuestro Padre Francisco, Santa Clara, San Buenaventura y todos los santos, por cuya intercesión confiamos obtener siempre tu ayuda.  

Es que con la Legión/Regnum no hay santo fundador. Sino todo lo contrario:

Abusador sexual de sus propios seminaristas menores de edad


Aprovechador de mujeres

Narcisista Maligno


Embaucador, estafador, timador (conman)

Impostor, “impersonador”(impersonator)

Manipulador y engañador


Sin escrúpulos morales de ningún tipo (el Papa Bendicto XVI)


No puedo creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi porque fue fundado por un sacerdote que abusó sexualmente a sus mismo seminaristas menores y todo lo consiguió por medio de manipulación y mentira

1) I Still Can’t Believe in the Legion of Christ- even with all their Priestly Ordinations

Legionaries of Christ 29 Legionaries of Christ to be Ordained to the Priesthood in Rome by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez, LC – Legionaries of Christ


Me, the dissident; one of many, so I am not totally alone.

But as I see the Legion of Christ grow

“Legionaries of Christ 29 Legionaries of Christ to be Ordained to the Priesthood in Rome by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez, LC – Legionaries of Christ”

, if not progress, I now have some serious soul searching to do.

What to make of my thirty-year crusade to reveal what I believe to be the true nature of the Legion of Christ? A prodigious business venture disguised as a religious order.

Have I been wrong to preach the spurious nature of the Legion of Christ Catholic Religious Order approved by popes and Vatican authorities?

Have all my efforts been  in vain?

Has my unstinting support of Maciel’s sexually abused seminarians -now in their eighties- and their humiliation and abandonment-  been worth nothing, as the Legion juggernaut goes triumphantly trundling along?

Have the successors/accomplices of Serial Pedophile Founder, conman, manipulator and consummate liar, Fr. Marcial Maciel, aided and abetted by unwitting  popes and corrupt Vatican authorities – notice I do not say “The Catholic Church”, of which I am a faithful member- ultimately prevailed..

What to make of the 5,000 dissident former members on Facebook’s Spanish language “Legioleaks” page? Are they just more disgruntled old men like me?

What about the many counter testimonies and studies regarding the Legionaries of Christ, in Spanish, French and English, that have been written over recent decades?

(See appendix in:  A Naïve and Sentimental Dubliner in the Legion of Christ: https://www.amazon.com/N%C3%A4ive-Sentimental-Dubliner-Legion-Christ-ebook/dp/B083GJP6RW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=328GJ19PE8MIP&keywords=A+Naive+and+Sentimental+Dubliner+in+the+Legion+of+Christi&qid=1682696073&s=books&sprefix=a+naive+and+sentimental+dubliner+in+the+legion+of+christi%2Cstripbooks%2C122&sr=1-1 )

There are thousands more like me, throw-aways and walk-aways of the Legionaries of Christ since the foundation in 1941. Many with broken faith, shipwrecked in the spirit, who do not know what to make of God, Jesus, Church after our harrowing experiences. Would that Holy Mother the Church caste an understanding  glance in our direction. But, no matter,  I believe Jesus does. The Carpenter’s son from Nazareth, the Rabbi who sang the Beatitudes, who eschewed the path to success, prosperity, and triumph, and doggedly stuck to his thankless mission, knowing that in the long run…

Opus Dei being Examined for Abuse of Lay women; parallels with Regnum Christi Young Recruitment

Women in Argentina claim labor exploitation by Opus Dei: https://apnews.com/article/business-p… -SERVANTS OF GOD? The ordeal of 43 women facing Opus Dei- https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/… -Spain’s Church seeks to add credence to enquiry of alleged child abuse- https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/…

Opus Dei in the News- Allegations of Trafficking, Manipulation, and Smokescreens (it ain’t pretty)

Jean Vanier, the other Maciel; l’Arche, the other Legion of Christ: Sexual Abuse, Secrets, Cover-up and Catholic Authority Negligence

“A nearly 900-page report released Monday found that Mr. Vanier, who in 1964 founded the international network of homes to support adults with intellectual disabilities, sexually exploited at least 25 non-disabled women until his death in 2019, 19 more cases than originally known.”

Vanier, who had fallen under the spell of  Fr. Thomas Phillipe, founded L’Arche to reunite a (Phillipe’s) religious sect with ‘mystical-sexual’ practices.

I admit that I was a great admirer of Jean Vanier, founder of l’Arche communities, where members lived with mentally challenged individuals and accompanied them in their loneliness and abandon. I fervently read one of his books full of attractive spirituality.

My admiration was shattered on learning that French layman Jean Vanier also had feet of clay: he had been seduced by  Dominican priest Thomas Phillipe to accompany him in a sect that sexually exploited women.

“A nearly 900-page report released Monday found that Mr. Vanier, who in 1964 founded the international network of homes to support adults with intellectual disabilities, sexually exploited at least 25 non-disabled women until his death in 2019, 19 more cases than originally known.”

Worse still, recent investigations show that Vanier founded l’Arche to  enable the continued  false mystical sexual exploitation perpetrated by his mentor Fr. Thomas who had been censured by Catholic authorities but not  controlled and stopped.

“The report further stated that Mr. Vanier created L’Arche as a “screen” to reunite a religious sect called L’Eau Vive, which had been disbanded for their exploitive “mystical-sexual” beliefs and practices that included “sexual abuse, collective delirium…[and] incestuous representations of relationships between Jesus and Mary.” These practices did not spread beyond the first L’Arche community where Mr. Vanier in Trosly-Breuil, France, according to the report.The report further stated that Mr. Vanier created L’Arche as a “screen” to reunite a religious sect called L’Eau Vive, which had been disbanded for their exploitive “mystical-sexual” beliefs and practices that included “sexual abuse, collective delirium…[and] incestuous representations of relationships between Jesus and Mary.” These practices did not spread beyond the first L’Arche community where Mr. Vanier lived in Trosly-Breuil, France, according to the report.”

An independent commission has confirmed claims of sexual abuse by Jean Vanier and unearthed evidence that sexual exploitation was his primary motivation for founding L’Arche.

“The primary intention, which from December 1963, pushed J. Vanier and the former members of L’Eau Vive to plan to settle in Trosly-Breuil, was to gather around [Thomas] Philippe,” the French Dominican priest who founded L’Eau Vive and served as Mr. Vanier’s spiritual father, the report states.

Now I wonder: Vanier, another Maciel: l’Arche, another Legion of Christ?
The exploitative founder, the ambivalent motivations, the secrecy, the mistico-spirituality

Let the reader find the parallels and reach their own conclusions

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