J, Paul Lennon, former LC (1961-84), LPC Counseling


Me, the dissident; one of many, so I am not totally alone.

But as I see the Legion of Christ grow

Legionaries of Christ 29 Legionaries of Christ to be Ordained to the Priesthood in Rome by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez, LC – Legionaries of Christ

-if not progress- I now have some serious soul searching to do.

What to make of my thirty-year crusade on ReGAIN to reveal what I believe to be the true nature of the Legion of Christ? A prodigious business venture disguised as a religious order.

Have I been wrong to preach the spurious nature of the Legion of Christ Catholic Religious Order approved by popes and Vatican authorities?

Have all my efforts been  in vain?

Has my unstinting support of Maciel’s sexually abused seminarians -now in their eighties- and their humiliation and abandonment been worth nothing, as the Legion juggernaut goes triumphantly trundling along?

Have the successors/accomplices of Pedophile Founder, conman, manipulator and consummate liar, Fr. Marcial Maciel, aided and abetted by unwitting  popes and corrupt Vatican authorities – notice I do not say “The Catholic Church” of which I am a faithful member- ultimately prevailed..

What to make of the 5,000 dissident former members on Facebook’s Spanish language “Legioleaks” page? Are they just more disgruntled old men like me?

What about the many counter testimonies and studies regarding the Legionaries of Christ, in Spanish, French and English, that have been written over recent decades?

(See appendix in:  A Naïve and Sentimental Dubliner in the Legion of Christ: https://www.amazon.com/N%C3%A4ive-Sentimental-Dubliner-Legion-Christ-ebook/dp/B083GJP6RW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=328GJ19PE8MIP&keywords=A+Naive+and+Sentimental+Dubliner+in+the+Legion+of+Christi&qid=1682696073&s=books&sprefix=a+naive+and+sentimental+dubliner+in+the+legion+of+christi%2Cstripbooks%2C122&sr=1-1 )

There are thousands more like me, throw-aways and walk-aways of the Legionaries of Christ since the foundation in 1941. Many with broken faith, shipwrecked in the spirit, who do not know what to make of God, Jesus, Church after our harrowing experiences. Would that Holy Mother the Church caste an understanding  glance in our direction. But, no matter,  I believe Jesus does. The Carpenter’s son from Nazareth, the Rabbi who sang the Beatitudes, who eschewed the path to success, prosperity, and triumph, and doggedly stuck to His thankless mission, knowing that in the long run…

2- ¿Por qué No Puedo Creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi? EL FUNDADOR

  1.  El Fundador ¿Por qué no puedo creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi?

    Porque cuando voy a Misa… Cuando oigo mencionar a los Santos, a los Santos Fundadores…

    Porque cuando voy a Misa a mi humilde iglesia franciscana aquí en América Central,
    Escucho la parte central de la misa, el “canon”.
    Cuando el Padre Franciscano, el de la homilía humilde y del sistema audio defectuoso, llega a la parte que dice:

Ten misericordia de todos nosotros, y así, con María, la Virgen Madre de Dios, su esposo san José, los apóstoles y los mártires, Nuestro Padre Francisco, Santa Clara, San Buenaventura y todos los santos, por cuya intercesión confiamos obtener siempre tu ayuda.  

Es que con la Legión/Regnum no hay santo fundador. Sino todo lo contrario:

Abusador sexual de sus propios seminaristas menores de edad


Aprovechador de mujeres

Narcisista Maligno


Embaucador, estafador, timador (conman)

Impostor, “impersonador”(impersonator)

Manipulador y engañador


Sin escrúpulos morales de ningún tipo (el Papa Bendicto XVI)


No puedo creer en la Legión de Cristo/Federación Regnum Christi porque fue fundado por un sacerdote que abusó sexualmente a sus mismo seminaristas menores y todo lo consiguió por medio de manipulación y mentira

FREEBIES FOR RECOVERY FROM COERCIVE, cult-like, HIGH DEMAND GROUPS – your gift from the Three Kings

International Cultic Studies Association, which has just elected a new female executive director, reminds us that it has several publications that can be acquired free on charge, many of them very useful for the various stages of our recovery.

International Cultic Studies Association, which has just elected a new female executive director, reminds us that it has several publications that can be acquired free on charge, many of them very useful for the various stages of our recovery.



Free E-Books

More Free

Sample of magazine, ICSA Today

International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation

Past issues of ICSA E-Newsletter

Órdenes y Movimientos Católicos Acusados de ser Derivas Sectarias

J. Paul Lennon hace unos pocos años escribió al respecto:

Amazon.com: Órdenes y Movimientos CATÓLICOS acusados de ser Derivas Sectarias (cult-like): ¿Sectas Intraeclesiales? (Spanish Edition): 9798510316322: Lennon, J.Paul, Bethancourt de Lennon, Aura V: Books


Stages of my Recovery: for International Cultic Studies Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 2023


Sharing My Stages of Recovery

From a Cultic Catholic religious order

J. Paul Lennon


An interview with Michael Langone, PhD, I.C.S.A. executive director at the time, helped me become more clearly aware of the stages of my recovery. After twenty-three years in the group, from which I had ejected impulsively at age forty-one.

When I pronounced religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience at age eighteen I had no idea of the cultic nature of this Catholic religious order I was entering. I lived in that straitjacket for twenty-three years, which included priestly ordination at age twenty-six, and thirteen years of ministry.

An interview with Michael Langone, PhD, I.C.S.A. executive director at the time, helped me become more clearly aware of the stages of my recovery. After twenty-three years in the group from which I had ejected impulsively at age forty-one.

When I pronounced religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience aged eighteen I had no idea of the cultic nature of this Catholic religious order I was entering. I lived in that straitjacket for twenty-three years, which included priestly ordination at age twenty-six, and thirteen years of pastoral ministry.

I emerged from a very deep dark abyss, moving gradually into a world of light and life, fed by the kindness of friends and strangers, and a dogged survival instinct. I would like to share those stages and elements of recovery with others so that they may find hope and, perhaps, some pointers towards healing and happiness: a safe place, a support group, understanding the cult, my exiting and myself; discovering my true self, forging a new career, and a joyful life.

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