Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: The Unspeakable Scandals of the Legionaries of Christ

Upon discovering the Pandora Papers on October 3, the most passionate about the news of the Catholic Church were surprised to come across the name of the Legionaries of Christ. This holy family, involved in a vast financial package, is involved in one of the biggest scandals in the field. For several decades, multiple accusations of pedophile sexual assault have been brought against members of the Legion of Christ, made up of about 900 priests and present in Europe, America and Asia

Esposa y Francisco González Parga 2006/2010 Testimonios/ Maciel Victim and Wife Speak out

Sr. Juan Pedro Oriol
P r e s e n t e

Estimado Padre:

Me permito escribirle esta carta, aunque no lo conozco, solamente porque vi en el periódico una crítica que hace usted a la película El Código Da Vinci. Lo que me llamó la atención es al principio del artículo que usted lo dedica al Padre Marcial Maciel, hombre bueno, íntegro y fiel. Estos epítetos me calaron en lo más hondo de mi corazón porque no está usted calificando verazmente a ese señor.  ¿Es Bueno, cuando abuso de más de 100 muchachos adolescentes y aun niños que él había reclutado para la vida religiosa? ¿Íntegro, cuando, por lo que sé de él, ha estado viviendo una doble vida de forma permanente, por décadas? ¿Lo cree usted después de todos esos actos aberrantes de que se le acusa con verdad? ¿Fiel? ¿A quién? Al Papa que lo encubre, a los Legionarios que lo sirven y lo idolatran?, o más bien, ¿A sí mismo? Pero ciertamente, ni bueno, ni íntegro, ni fiel para con Dios. Dios vio todo lo que él hizo, pero de Dios nadie se burla y Dios ya le está pidiendo…

Giving voice to Fr. Maciel’s Accusers before they die off (updated 9/16/2022)

                    The Best Kind of Witnesses are Dead Witnesses would seem to be the Legion of Christ’s motto and method They have left it to the last moment to attempt outreach and compensation to the victims. And only to the victims who will accept compensation on … Continue reading “Giving voice to Fr. Maciel’s Accusers before they die off (updated 9/16/2022)”

Fr. Connor’s Damage-Control Strategy: Divide and Conquer Maciel’s Accusers

After the Legion of Christ Chapter General in early 2021, the New -first US born- General Director (Superior General), Fr. John Connor set about damage control. He would take action to compensate the victims of Legion of Christ -now morphed into Regnum Christi Federation- Founder Fr. Marcial Maciel’s rampant sexual abuse of his seminarians in … Continue reading “Fr. Connor’s Damage-Control Strategy: Divide and Conquer Maciel’s Accusers”

Names of Non-Compensated Sexual Abuse Victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel, Founder and Superior General of the Legion(aries) of Christ/Regnum Christi Federation

Fr. Maciel (1920-2008) began abusing his adolescent seminarians soon after the foundation in Mexico City 1941. He was investigated twice by the Vatican, never went to trial in canon or civil law, and lived out his days in luxury and pleasure, unrepentent.   Names of Not Compensated Sexual Abuse Victims of Fr. Maciel, Founder and … Continue reading “Names of Non-Compensated Sexual Abuse Victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel, Founder and Superior General of the Legion(aries) of Christ/Regnum Christi Federation”

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