Fronts of the Legion and Regnum Christi

This is a clearing house for all fronts, facades and faces of the Legionaries of Christ and the Regnum Christi. These lists are neither completely up-to-date, nor exhaustive. We will try our best to provide the most accurate information as we obtain it. Continue reading “Fronts of the Legion and Regnum Christi”

Frances’s Story

This is one of a thirty part exposé on the Children of the Legion. This group of women, then girls, in the Regnum Christi, share their stories of abuse, neglect and the aftermath of being children in the Regnum Christi. For a complete list of stories to date, view Children of the Legion.

Thank you to one and all who have shared your stories so far. I don’t know many of you at all, and others I lived with for three years and still barely know–but I am truly grateful for this group bringing us closer together. Funny we’ve discovered more about each other over the internet in a month than years of living together.

I was at the PC for 3 years, I left after my junior year. I went to the PC as an escape from my home–my family had just moved, I didn’t have friends, and I was depressed. My options were homeschool or PC, so I got the hell out of Dodge. Continue reading “Frances’s Story”

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