URGENT!- Fr. Raymond K. Comiskey Walsh has passed away R.I.P., in Merida, Yucatan but Funeral Mass will be in Cancun, 7 pm Thursday 28 at Church of our Lady of Fatima

See Fr. Raymond Comiskey’s Facebook for info mostly in Spanish where you will find photos of the the first mass celebrated at the convent of the Madres de la Luz in Merida where his remains was taken after his passing.

Fr. Raymond often worked closely with these bilingual Maya sisters in his missionary outreach, especially during his long stint in the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, Mexico

(Translating from Fr. Patrick Corrigan’s Facebook post)

“Fr, Raymond will be cremated tomorrow 27

In the city of Merida, Yucatan

His FUNERAL MASS will be at 7 pm Thursday at the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima in Cancun.

His ashes will be laid to rest in the mausoleum at that parish of Cristo Resuscitado in the Hotel Zone, Cancun”

Former Consecrated

This is one of a thirty part exposé on the Children of the Legion. This group of women, then girls, in the Regnum Christi, share their stories of abuse, neglect and the aftermath of being children in the Regnum Christi. For a complete list of stories to date, view Children of the Legion.

I would like to share one thing with all the former precandidates, if you are trying to figure out why you were treated the way you were, I suggest you give up and remember the following – your formators had NO TRAINING WHATSOEVER on how to help you be a better person, how to respect your human rights, how to develop your personal talents or help you discern a vocation. Continue reading “Former Consecrated”

Sarah’s Story

This is one of a thirty part exposé on the Children of the Legion. This group of women, then girls, in the Regnum Christi, share their stories of abuse, neglect and the aftermath of being children in the Regnum Christi. For a complete list of stories to date, view Children of the Legion.

Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences because they have really helped me to have the courage to speak up about my own experiences. I can’t express how wonderful it has been to finally confront the fact that the PC wasn’t really the heaven on earth I had thought it to be.

I graduated after being at the PC for four years. Then I was consecrated and lasted a grand total of 8 months in Mexico. When I look back on those years I have to say I lived in constant FEAR… In fear of making a mistake, in fear of getting in trouble and in fear of being disfavored in God’s eyes because I didn’t do his will. Continue reading “Sarah’s Story”

Long Lasting Pain and Damage

This is one of a thirty part exposé on the Children of the Legion. This group of women, then girls, in the Regnum Christi, share their stories of abuse, neglect and the aftermath of being children in the Regnum Christi. For a complete list of stories to date, view Children of the Legion.

This letter was given to Bishop Ricardo Watty Urquidi in Mexico City in February of 2010 during the visitation of the Legion. Bishop Watty also listened very patiently to my story and in a private aside, told me how sorry he was for what I went through.

For personal reasons, I am withholding my name from this document as I do not want my life to be linked to Regnum Christi on the internet anymore, but I can be reached by means of this blog and will happily confirm my identity and the details contained within.

Continue reading “Long Lasting Pain and Damage”

Tricia’s Story

This is one of a thirty part exposé on the Children of the Legion. This group of women, then girls, in the Regnum Christi, share their stories of abuse, neglect and the aftermath of being children in the Regnum Christi. For a complete list of stories to date, view Children of the Legion.

At 15 years of age, after attending many summer pre-candidacy programs, I officially became a pre-candidate. I was eager to begin my formation as a young woman whose sole purpose was to try to grow in grace and sanctity. With the eagerness of youth, I threw myself into the program, divulging my thoughts and actions without question in spiritual direction. And so began my discovery of Godʼs Will.

I was told to distance myself from those around me and to be detached from all worldly things. If I felt the least attachment to clothes or the way I looked, I was told that I was full of vanity which needed to be eradicated. Continue reading “Tricia’s Story”

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