Fr. Maciel, Legion of Christ Founder, Instrument of God or Satan?

 POPE FRANCIS AND CHURCH LEADERS, PLEASE WAKE UP! Pope Francis with a group of Legionaries August 3, 2015 I have just attended the Survivor Network of those Abused by Priests annual conference in Alexandria, VA and have been discussing Maciel, the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi with a good and knowledgeable friend. This brought … Continue reading “Fr. Maciel, Legion of Christ Founder, Instrument of God or Satan?”

Invaders of Cancun’s Green Areas,Legionaries of Christ Paradise, part 4

In city block (Supermanzana) number 30 the Legionaries appropriated part of the park. They invaded it little by little. Seven thousand square meters of space had been allotted to the local community. They divided it in four: one for the pre-school, another for the elementary school, a third for the bandstand (kiosco) and the last was a green area. In the green area the Legionaries started building a small church (capilla). Whenever the padre –a Legionary of Christ- came to say Mass, one of the neighbors would open the gate for him.

“And the band played on”: More Legionary Ordinations

And the Band Played On… Twenty more Legionaries ordained as deacons CORRECTION:  in the body of the article it is stated that Zenith and the Claretian order are somehow connected. The editor has researched this info and has not found confirmation. However, the info regarding the first Vatican investigation of the Legion and the role … Continue reading ““And the band played on”: More Legionary Ordinations”

The Dog, the Wine and the Psychiatrist: Part 3, Legionaries’ Paradise (in Cancun)

3rd part of Legionaries’ Paradise (written by Emiliano  Ruiz Parrra, originally appeared in Spanish on the Gatopardo blog:Gatopardo ) The Dog,  the Wine and the Psychiatrist Fr. Pablo Pérez-Guajardo walked around in a stupor all day every day. His “depression” did not get better despite taking medication. Until he decided to stop taking his Legion-prescribed medication, … Continue reading “The Dog, the Wine and the Psychiatrist: Part 3, Legionaries’ Paradise (in Cancun)”

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