You can help ReGAIN in many ways, first and foremost, please share this information with your friends and families. Secondly, ReGAIN is a not for profit. We rely on contributions to keep our mission going. Please help us by donating and supporting our efforts.

Write, call, or email your local Bishop to express your concerns.
For a complete directory of US dioceses: Click here
Also, be sure to send a copy to the Vicar General

Know your diocesan policy with regard to the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi and report any violations to diocesan officials.
For a directory of US dioceses: Click here

Send your personal testimony to ReGAIN for publication.
Email using the Contact ReGAIN button on the menu.

Ask questions and find out when in doubt
about Regnum Christi sponsorship, affiliation, or membership of an individual or organization. Send us any information in this regard so that we can publish it.

Check out your parish bulletin for any suspicious, approaching or present RC activity and contact your parish priest to alert him and present your concerns.

Approach someone if you know he or she has been adversely affected by Regnum Christi or by the Legion. Do not be afraid to approach them; listen to their story, be supportive, and encourage them to get whatever help they need. Please see our Help Available page.

Put together an information packet for your pastor, parish or school administration.

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