Another Maciel Sex Abuse Victim dies off: Legion of Christ/Regnum Christi rub their hands and shed crocodile tears!

At 1 am today, February 5, 2021, Maciel Survivor Fr. Féliz Alarcón (Hoyos) passed away in Madrid,  Spain at the age of 87

This way the Pontifically approved Legion of Christ/Regnum Christi Federation can stop worrying about compensation for his abuse by their Foúnder and pro vida General Director, Fr. Marcial Maciel (Degollado), LC.

Newly elected General Director, Fr. John Connor, the victims’ Great While Hope, after a triumphal entrance full of promises of taking care of Maciel’s sexual abuse victims and thus cleaning up the mes in the Legion house, soon fell back into Legion Tradition: delay, delay, delay, play cat and mouse with victims; he gave some of them paltry Easter eggs of $5,000.00 UScy last year – “this is just a gift, not compensation!” If Fr. Félix received that or more is a secret. The Kingdom of Maciel operates by stealth, secret and gag order…

No serious negotiation with the victims

No respecting agreements withu intermediary (the intermediary was in cahoots with r bought over by the LC/RC!)

No negotiations with the victims as a group. “Divide and Conquer!”

Fr. Connor and other Legionary priests found a way to split the group.

Meanwhile, one victim, Mexican Fernando Pérez Olvera, a former seminarian, died in 2020

Today, another victim, a Spaniard, passed away in Madrid. ReGAIN admires the fact that he was able to hold onto his priesthood until death.

Now this sect-like Catholic o’rganization will shed crocodile tears  in Spanish -for their “Dear Brother in Christ”,  -a flowery Spanish language  statement was released by Fr. Connor saying how much he cared for and helped Fr. Felix- maybe even celebrate a Mass for the repose of his scarred  soul..  Who knows  what human prudence and astuteness shall dictate.


Perdí my Fe Católica a causa del Regnum Christi

de la pluma del ínclito autor:  J. Paul Lennon,


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(Bilingüe) Thácio’s Prayer/ La Oración de Thácio, a young former Legionary of Christ/ un joven ex miembro Legionario de Cristo

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A few months ago I felt the desire to pray to God with these words. I share them with you, wishing you all a Happy Easter Season.


I met you, Lord, while I was psychologically and emotionally trapped in a criminal organization bearing the papal seal. I met you in a prison. But I met you anyway. Thank you, Lord, for that.

The Christ that was mine at that time constantly threatened me, forced me to love him, forced me to obey him; psychologically, everything was wrapped in fear, dread, darkness…

What have they done to Your Name, Lord? You, who are the Light, the Truth, the Way, Life itself…

But for me then, You were just death, shadow, deviousness and lies.

I was born at the end of the 20th century. And for the great history of forgotten people I will have been another human being, a Christian, a Catholic, victim of a dubious and dark ecclesiastical structure… a number perhaps in some future statistic.

From the age of 15 I learned to call a Mexican priest a saint, Father Marcial Maciel, L.C. I heard several times from the mouth of St. John Paul II that such a priest was an example for youth. I heard from dozens of cardinals, from hundreds of bishops, that this priest was trustworthy, he was a living saint, he was Christ’s faithful representative. In my teenage religiosity, I consented, believed, gave myself in body and soul to follow you, Lord, in the footsteps of that “holy founder”.

It took me years in that surrender, until the day of disappointment. Until the day that organization – which one day welcomed me and called me family – made a sudden about turn and decided to erase my existence from its memory, erasing me from its archives and its institutional history, turning a new page and starting from scratch, over the corpses of thousands of religious abused in the congregation for decades and all lying in a mass grave of oblivion.

Where are the holy men who have protected such a priest founder for so long now? Where is the holiness of this “Holy See” that does everything it can to also forget the thousands  of victims of this organization? In the practice of its leaders, it has been nothing more than another criminal and  deceitful organization. I’m sorry for getting this off my chest with these words.

Your “servant,” hailed for seven decades as a saint by bishops, cardinals and popes, Father Marcial Maciel, L.C., after his death was found to be  a maharajah in a nearly $20 million house bought for his “life of prayer and penance.” But now he was finally unmasked: a pedophile who used fake passports, abandoning several families and women around the world, who had abused his own minor seminarians and his own children. Fr. Maciel washed a lot of money; in fact, he created a large fundraising and money-laundering industry (which to this day seems to remain intact) and bought cardinals, bishops, manipulated thousands of young people – inducing false vocations. He brought to our priesthood, Lord, young people without a vocation, and in turn controlled, enslaved, terrorized and later, to make matters worse, abandoned, destroyed and persecuted anyone who attempted to oppose  this plan.

I stop for a moment to ponder, in your presence, O my Lord God, where is your Gospel in all this? Lord, Jesus, King and Teacher, where is true Christianity? What happened to your Church in the last century? Why did you allow me and others to fall victim to such a cruel form of Christianity? And why do you keep allowing it?

If only my case were isolated… But I look around me: manipulative movements and organizations, with a papal seal, have sprung up  like cockroaches. They teach people true doctrine, perhaps, but through mass manipulation techniques; the same techniques used by dictatorial regimes. Why, Lord? Isn’t the strength of Christianity enough to draw our hearts to You?

Jesus, You who look lovingly at your Church, who sees the hearts of men, teach me not to judge -not even the criminals who have done me so much harm. Teach me to leave everything to your judgment. Heal the wounds of my soul. Come into my heart as my Lord, Teacher and Friend. Give me the wisdom I need to face my existence in the light of heaven, facing eternity. And above all, Lord, take care of your Church, your Catholics, all who believe in Your Name. Give back to the heart of your Church free martyrdom for Your Name, for the cause of Truth. Give us back, Lord, the enthusiasm of a true inner Christianity that transforms society, not through weapons of manipulation but by the testimony of a life well lived,  the martyrdom of the righteous man.

Thácio Siqueira


Domingo de Pascua, 12 de abril 2020

Hace unos meses sentí el deseo de orar a Dios con estas palabras. Les comparto, deseando a todos una Feliz Pascua prolongada.


Te conocí, Señor, mientras estaba psicológica y emocionalmente atrapado en una organización criminal, con un sello pontificio. Te conocí en una prisión. Pero te conocí. Gracias, señor.

El Cristo que tenía para mí en ese momento me amenazaba constantemente, me obligaba a amarlo, me obligaba a obedecerlo.

psicológicamente todo estaba envuelto en miedo, pavor, oscuridad…

¿Qué han hecho con tu nombre, Señor? Tú, que eras luz, verdad, camino, vida… para mí sólo eras muerte, sombra, tortuosidad, mentira.

Nací a finales del siglo XX. Y para la gran Historia de las personas olvidadas habré sido un ser humano a más, cristiano, católico, víctima de una dudosa y oscura estructura eclesiástica… un número quizás en alguna estadística futura.

Desde los 15 años aprendí a llamar santo a un sacerdote mexicano, el Padre Marcial Maciel, L.C. Escuché varias veces de boca de San Juan Pablo II que tal sacerdote era un ejemplo de juventud. Escuché de docenas de cardenales, de cientos de obispos, que este sacerdote era confiable, era santo, era su fiel representante.

En mi religiosidad adolescente, consentí, creí, me entregué en cuerpo y alma a seguirte, Señor, tras las huellas de ese “santo fundador”.

Se pasaron años en aquella entrega, hasta el día de la desilusión. Hasta el día en que esa organización – que un día me acogió y me llamó de familia – hizo una reforma en la cual decidió borrar mi existencia de su memoria, borrándome de sus archivos y de su historia institucional, intentando, así, pasar página y comenzar del cero, sobre los cadáveres de miles de religiosos abusados en la congregación durante décadas y tirados todos en una fosa común del olvido.

¿Dónde están ahora los santos hombres que han protegido a tal sacerdote fundador durante tanto tiempo? ¿Dónde está la santidad de esa “Santa Sede” que hace de todo para también echar en el olvido las miles de víctimas de esta obra? En la práctica de sus hombres no ha sido más que otra organización criminal y mentirosa. Lo siento por quitarme esto de encima con estas palabras.

Tu “siervo”, aclamado durante siete décadas como santo por obispos, cardenales y papas, el Padre Marcial Maciel, L.C., después de su muerte – como un maharajá en una casa de casi 20 millones de dólares comprada para la ocasión – fue desenmascarado: Un pedófilo, usó pasaportes falsos, dejó varias familias y mujeres en todo el mundo, abusó de los seminaristas y de sus propios hijos, lavó mucho dinero, de hecho, creó una gran industria de recaudación y lavado de dinero (que hasta hoy parece seguir intacta), compró cardenales, obispos, etc., manipuló a miles de jóvenes, induciendo falsas vocaciones, trayendo a tu sacerdocio, Señor, a jóvenes sin vocación, deteniendo, atando, aterrorizando y, para empeorar las cosas, abandonando, destruyendo y persiguiendo a todos los que trataban de luchar contra este plan.

Me detengo por un momento y me pregunto, en tu presencia, oh Dios mío: Señor, ¿dónde está tu evangelio? Señor, Jesús, rey y maestro, ¿dónde está el verdadero cristianismo? ¿Qué le pasó a su Iglesia en el siglo pasado? ¿Por qué me permitió, a mí y a otros, ser víctima de un cristianismo tan cruel? ¿Y por qué lo sigues permitiendo?

Si tan sólo mi caso fuera solitario, pero mira a mi alrededor: los movimientos y organizaciones manipuladoras, con sello pontificio, han surgido como cucarachas. Enseñan a la gente la verdadera doctrina, pero por medio de técnicas de manipulación de masas, las mismas técnicas utilizadas por los regímenes dictatoriales. ¿Por qué, Señor?

¿No es la fuerza del cristianismo suficiente para atraer nuestros corazones hacia ti?

Jesús, que mira con amor a tu Iglesia, que ve los corazones de los hombres, enséñame a no juzgar, ni siquiera a los criminales que me han hecho tanto daño. Enséñame a dejar todo a tu juicio. Cura las heridas de mi alma. Preséntate a mi corazón, como mi Señor y Maestro y Amigo. Dame la sabiduría que necesito para enfrentar mi existencia en la luz del cielo, de cara a la eternidad. Y sobre todo, Señor, cuida de tu Iglesia, de tus católicos, de todos los que creen en tu nombre. Devuelve al corazón de tu Iglesia el libre martirio por tu nombre, por la verdad; devuelve, Señor, el entusiasmo de un verdadero cristianismo interior que cambie la sociedad no por medio de las armas de manipulación sino por el testimonio de la vida, el martirio del hombre justo.

Thácio Siqueira

(Video) Part 4 Our Father Maciel who art in Bed, a Naive and Sentimental Dubliner in the Legion of Christ now Regnum Christi Federation

Da Man is on youtube under J.Paul Lennon youtube; there will find part 2 and 3, if interested. In these troubled times it might take your mind off this terrible epidemic with its forced stay at home.

This episode features chapter four of his memoir, “Relocating Suddenly to Sunny Spain” and describes the experience of the very first group of Irish recuits to the then unknown and exotic new order….

(Video) Ist Part: A Naive and Sentimental Dublin-Irishman in the Legion of Christ/Regnum Christi Federation

In case you have nothing else to do and want to hear J. Paul Lennon’s testimony again! enjoy. Parts may be harrowing but there is light at the end of the tunnel. You may even enjoy his wry sense of humor. Don’t forget it is a tale of survivor and ultimate victory

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