¿El Padre Maciel, Instrumento de Dios o del Demonio?

Que pasa si el Padre Maciel no fuera un instrumento de Dios sino instrumento de otro poder?

!Papa Francisco y el Vaticano, favor de despertar!

Washington, DC, a 3-11 de agosto, 2015

Acabo de asistir al congreso internacional de SNAP, la red de sobrevivientes del abuso sexual clerical, y ayer conversé acerca del fenómeno Marcial Maciel/Legión de Cristo/Regnum Christi con un amigo conocedor de la historia Maciel/Legión. Ahora quisiera plasmar las siguientes reflecciones.



  • Después de treinta años atendiendo a los sobrevivientes de la Legión de Cristo/Regnum Christi, veo claramente una vez más la estela de destrucción dejada por Maciel/Legión de Cristo/Regnum Christi en las vidas tocadas por ellos. Porque no se trata simplemente de abusos sexuales; se trata de abusos de todo género: descuido y abandono médico, estragos psicológicos, consciencias confusas, depresión clínica y suicidio, pérdida de fe en la Iglesia, en Cristo y en Dios, abuso financiero de los miembros, familias y gente vulnerable, destierro, calumnias, ostracismo, persecución legal y amenazas…
  • Me resulta difícil, si no imposible, creer que esta institución sea una obra de Dios
  • Los últimos papas y el sistema del Vaticano, luego de constatar la podredumbre del fundador y la deformación del institituto, decidieron salvar la Legión de Cristo.
  • Nos dijeron, cual nuevo dogma de fe: Maciel, Malo; Legión, Buena. Nos pidieron creer que Dios había usado de un instrumento corrupto para crear su obra, la orden religiosa de la Legión de Cristo y el movimiento seglar, Regnum Christi.
  • El Vaticano realizó este malabarismo teológico ignorando siglos de Fe y Tradición Cristianas que vinculan la validez de una orden religiosa con el carisma, y con la la santidad e inspiración del fundador.
  • Nos piden creer que Dios hizo otro milagro: que el árbol podrido produjo fruto sano. ¿O NO SERÁ que la organización creada por el empresario Maciel, llamada Legión de Cristo,  sigue produciendo sacerdotes en serie, reclutando a miles de católicos bien intencionados y llenando los cofres con millones de dólares a una institución golpeada por acusaciones de corrupción y abuso, y que pierde a diario la fidelidad de sus miembros más instruidos y analíticos?
  • ¿Y QUE SI Marcial Maciel, el niño de Cotija, Michoacán, México, quien fuera abusado verbal, emocional, física y sexualmente, quien nunca buscó ni recibió la ayuda terapéutica necesaria para su propio psique dañado y deforme, se convirtiera a su vez en un insaciable depredador sexual y en un explotador manipulativo con aires de grandeza, creando el mito de ser escogido por Dios para salvar la Iglesia Católica, el cristianismo y el mundo entero fundando una nueva y mejor orden religiosa?
  • Pues el Padre Maciel, careciendo totalmente de auto-conocimiento y auto-consciencia, se dejó llevar de sus impulsos sexuales, controlantes y ambiciosos: el venerable Padre, disque santo Maciel fue en realidad un psicópata, Narcisista Traumatizante quien se engañaba a sí mismo pensándose el fundador de una nueva congregación religiosa para satisfacer sus propias pasiones usando y abusando a los demás.
  • ¿Y QUE SI el Padre del Engaño, y no el Espíritu Santo, tomara posesión de ese psique deforme para crear una secta diabólica, astutamente diseñada dentro de la Iglesia Católica, con el mismo espíritu que poseía Maciel: espíritu de mentira, engaño, ilusiones, control, manipulación y megalomanía para seguir hiriendo y lastimando en su sexualidad, auto-estima, dignidad humana y hasta en sus misma almas a gente generosa, idealista e ingenua?
  • Lanzo este desafío a los líderes Católicos ciegos a o deslumbrados por rutilantes espejismos

J. Paul Lennon, LC 1961-84, Licensed Professional Counselor.

Author: Da Man from Cabra West

Dubliner, Legionary of Christ [1961-84], mental health therapist living in the Washington DC are since 1985, bilingual Spanish, 13 years in Mexico, married to a pretty Guatemalan; I am "amateur writer", translator, co founder of REGAIN, INC, www.regainnetwork.org, Legionary of Christ "expert", member of International Cultic Studies Association.

4 thoughts on “¿El Padre Maciel, Instrumento de Dios o del Demonio?”

  1. Creo que el Papa Benedicto XVI no es que haya hecho ninguna declaración acerca de que Maciel haya sido instrumento de Dios para comunicar un carisma a la Iglesia. Más bien, por lo que entendí leyendo el Comunicado publicado por el Vaticano luego de la conclusión de la Visita Canónica de los 5 obispos, siguió la recomendación de ellos, según la cual existía un gran número de miembros buenos y que por ellos convenía salvarla, reformándola. El juicio de estos obispos es cuestionable y no parece que hayan ido suficientemente a fondo en su investigación. Otro problema hubiera sido provocado por la supresión. ¿Qué hacer con los miembros ya mayores de edad y enfermos? Luego la obra del Cardenal De Paolis fue un fracaso estrepitosa porque en vez de ir a vivir en casas de la congregación y hablar con el mayor número posible de los miembros para darse cuenta personalmente de la situación, se quedó en su casa en el Vaticano y se fió de la cúpula instalada por Maciel, despreciando y condenando a las voces críticas, que hubieran sido posibles aliados en una posible reforma a fondo o una suerte de refundación. ¿Pudo haberse suprimido la nefasta obra de Maciel y dado a los miembros varias opciones para seguir sirviendo a la Iglesia? Creo que sí.

    1. I don’t doubt that there are good members of the legion but they have been taught to take a road that is not good.
      The member of the legion I have had most contact with shies off so many subjects,saying that you are not meant to tell me that or that you are not meant to say that or read that, so that I am obliged to see that she has been taught not to evaluate ever so many things and this means that a bad member of the legion can teacher her anything, as long as it is an approved legionaire who teaches her whatever, she is likely to believe what such a person says without thinking of all the possible consequences: She has been taught not to go through ideas for herself. Humans cannot see all the possible consequences, ideas take very unexpected side paths but it is better when they try to as hard as they can.
      to talk of one of the ideas she has been taught tha tseem to me extremely dangerous.
      She has been taught to believe that illness is because of sin, so if, a miner say gets lung problems and is in contact with a legionaire, he will be told that he had become ill because he has, “done something”, ie sinned, talk about adding insult to injury, the poor men.
      If a person in Regnum Christi gets anorexia the formators and the important people in the organisation will not believe that the way they treat girls is over strict, they will imagine the girl was sinful. How many bad things can very young girls teenagers have done?That is to say they will continue treating girls in ways likely to stress them out and make them ill, will go on treating them as if any congratulations or thanks might make them vain, the girls will go on being subjected to many trails and an awful lot of boring work with no praise for their efforts. They will continue to subject them to long and boring days of mechanical work that is un-aliviated by an fun activities, because it is impossible for them to believe that such an auster regime can lead to anorexia or psycosomatic illness, there is only one reason for illness in their books, much as an unusual number of girls in Regnum Christi fall prey to anorexia and that is that the person is a sinner.
      Maybe one factor that make sgirls ill is the extremel stupid mental atmosphere in which they live which denies them the proper use of their mental faculties, and their emotional ones.
      The people are good but their way of responding to life because of their indoctrination is bad for others. That is how Marcial extended his manipulative behavior, he gave his followers false reasons for doing things and it is these reasons for doing this and that that make the legion a group that will not change just because he himself has been dethroned. They need re-indoctrinating.
      Associations of psyciatrists should be told of this facet of Regnum Christi because it will allow them to understand anorexia better and because it should be groups of proffesionals, not me who say this:

      As to Rome I have been looking them up and all the reports that are at all critical of Rome, that are not si mply a back up of Rome, talk of how conservative they have become, so it is possible that in the Vatican they also believe that people fall ill because they are sinners, that Rome has gone back to extremely medieval ways of veiwing things and is digging in its heels and refusing to consider the seriousness of other types of proffessionals such as psyciatrists when the findings of psychiatrists do not fit in with the ideas of Rome.
      Rome is not very open about its most medieval ideas but there is reason to fear that they back up some pretty odd ways of looking at things without wanting to scare off liberal catholics by doing so too openly.

  2. Paul Lennon – Dubliner, Legionary of Christ [1961-84], mental health therapist living in the Washington DC are since 1985, bilingual Spanish, 13 years in Mexico, married to a pretty Guatemalan; I am "amateur writer", translator, co founder of REGAIN, INC, www.regainnetwork.org, Legionary of Christ "expert", member of International Cultic Studies Association.
    Jean Baptiste says:

    Dear Father Thomas, thank you so much for your comments. You being a long term Legionary and observer “from a distance” your thoughts are very much on target: “Cardinal DePaolis intervention was a complete fiasco: instead of going to live in the Legion houses and meeting personally with the members, he chose to remain in his home in the Vatican trusting in the leadership cadre personally chosen by Maciel.”

  3. I do myself think, on occasion, that the whole organisation is diabolic it is my expression of the horror i feel when i let myself think of the whole scope of the ill that seems to be and to be being extended. Paul lennon first gives a good logical account of things before talking of the diabolicalness of the group, I am frightened of calling things diabolic in case people stop analysing the human roots of this evil but, in my head diabolical comes to me as the most satisfying expression of what I feel about what they are about. It expresses my full horror about what I am being made to learn by legionair insistence in trying to bring me round to their way of thinking.
    I feel like that when i see how Marcial has taught people to manipulate others and destroy them psychically and how they spread ideas of religion that, for me, are not correct, seeming to have so much more to do with punishment than love.The ideas they talk of make so much sense if you see them as the ideas of the Inquisition, which is part of catholic tradition but a part I thought they had left behind them, that was a part of the churches thinking that i thought and still think horrible.
    They don’t see that too much punishment might turn people into wildcats instead of good people, which i see as is a big evil. They don’t think that the milk of human kindness brings people to God, beyond their first seduction of victims,stage, so they attack people silly without fear that they will damage them and they attack any sort of friendship which is also an attack on the milk of human kindness, so that, what I once heard of catholic society, that it created happy working communities, the argument was the excuse in a Spanish film, if i remember right, for missionary activity, now must be, or is becoming, if this part of Catholicism wins through, that they create the opposite to happy communities, with their many tactics for dividing people.
    . He makes others do the terrible things he did but for different motives than the ones he held.
    Take money off people for charity is what his followers believe they are doing or to punish sinners and so help them into heaven, while he was social climbing and wangling things for his own wicked ends, for wealth for him and for sex for him and all that love and fame he got. What better way to get through to the Vatican than by financing them. They need to expand, they are meant to bring Christs word to every corner of the earth so they need money. Christs word or the Holy Inquisitions word?the word of the congregation of the faith? Real love they say is to be horrible to you so that you go to heaven.They are so interested in being horrible that they are not at all careful as to whether their criticism have anything true in them or not.
    His disciples are taught to think that closeness to others might separate them from strict adherence to the, right way of thinking, my words ,others might have some faults in their ways of thinking, so friendship will separate legionaires from heaven, that prize which is yours if you behave as they believe is required of catholics. They also think that if they let others go to hell, they will not get into heaven at least taht is an argument i have heard, which leads on to the argument be good or you will send me to hell, for my sake if not for your own which leads to the argument how selfish you are not to do what i say.
    . They are asked to do what he wants for good reasons he cooked up to convince his followers to do what he wanted while he seems to have been cynacal about his motives to the point that he is said to have despised pope john paul, who did not take him down and to despise his followers who did what he said, like a lot of sheep.
    I have whatched the video sc,andal at the vatican, again and it is very interesting to whatch Marcials face when Pope John Paul says he is good for the young i dont remember the exact words , Marcials lips curls scornfully and his face sterns up as if he was the sort of person who would catch somenone like himself instead of cow-towing to him, as if he terribly disapproved of what the pope was saying.
    I tseems to me that the legion convinces its members to feel aggreived, more agreived than the majority of normal wel adjusted people do, at anything untoward people have done to them, and that they encourage them to think that people who have hurt them should be punished, as a way to teach them to be nice. What is the theological excuse for encouraging people to be vengeful. The theology of the legionaires is odd and wicked. THe vatican are crazy if they back it up.This I suppose helps them to get legionaires to attack and so recruit, legionair style, new members.

    I am so scared by the idea of the spread of the ideas of this man. THey seem to include an admiration for the political right, which is bound to bring so much misery to so many i am terrified wheenever i look at the long term spread of his wickedness. I find comfort from my worries about him watching childrens programs in which there are witches who cackle at other peoples misfortunes the person i kmow best who claims to be a legionaire does that, cackle at my misfortunes, and those of others, convinced that pain is good for peoples souls or that they should not do well becuase if they do people will not recieve the saludable message that sinners do badly. IN childrens programs you have stories of wicked types who have taken over the wills of all the members of their planets, mind you, maybe star wars serves as well as childrens programs and these are the tales that best reflect the reality, knowing so much about the legions has thrown me into and so make me feel i am learning what i need to know in this situation. I whatch the heros fight for good and so turn into a counter elgionaire soldier, another type of legionaire myself.

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