Marcial Maciel to appear in court in Mexico City

Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, will have to appear before the nineteenth civil court in Mexico City to answer questions related to crimes of pedophilia, allegedly committed by him as head of the Legion, as well questions related to a case of sexual abuse of a three-year old boy, a student at the Colegio Oxford, against Prof. Joaquin Francisco Mondragan Rebollo.

Also called to testify is Alvaro Corcuera Martinez del Rao, the congregation’s current director. If they fail to appear, they will be subject to 36 hours arrest.

Maciel’s interrogatory will consist of 38 questions, whose aim is to show how pedophilia has penetrated the educational institutions under the control and direction of the Legionaries of Christ. It is also intended to unmask Maciel’s accessories, who allegedly have allowed him to commit sexual abuse for the last sixty years.

The questionnaire seeks to expose the modus operandi of the educational institutions of the Legionaries of Christ when accusations of sexual abuse of children arise.


Original Spanish Version

Marcial Maciel, fundador de los Legionarios de Cristo, debere presentarse ante el juzgado 19 de lo civil en el Distrito Federal, para responder a un interrogatorio sobre delitos de pederastia, presuntamente cometidos por el al frente de los legionarios, ase- como por el caso del abuso sexual contra un nino de tres anos, alumno del Colegio Oxford, cometido por el profesor Joaquin Francisco Mondragan Rebollo.

De igual forma, este citado a declarar -como testigo- Alvaro Corcuera Martinez del Rao, actual dirigente de la congregacion. En caso de que no acudan se haran acreedores a un arresto de 36 horas.

El interrogatorio a Maciel consta de 38 preguntas cuyo proposito es demostra como la pederastia ha penetrado en las instituciones educativas controladas y dirigidas por los Legionarios de Cristo. Ademos se intenta desenmascarar a los encubridores de Marcial Maciel, que presuntamente le han permitido cometer abusos sexuales durante los Ultimos 60 anos.

El cuestionario pretende probar el modus operandi de las instituciones educativas de los Legionarios de Cristo cuando aparecen denuncias de abusos sexuales cometidos contra ninos.

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